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Dernière connexion le 26-11-2022

Ancien enseignant-chercheur en théorie des organisations, je vends mes livres pour éviter qu'ils ne restent sur une étagère. Je vends aussi d'autres livres, comme certains mangas que je ne relis plus, afin qu'ils profitent à d'autres.
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Ses évaluations vendeurs

Nicolas38 n'a pas encore reçu de note.

Ses livres en vente (37)

14.00 €

La science en action : Introduction à la sociologie des sciences

Bruno Latour
25.00 €

The System of Professions: An Essay on the Division of Expert Labor

Andrew Abbott
10.00 €

L'espoir de Pandore

Bruno Latour
15.00 €

Sociologie de la santé : Institutions, professions et maladies

Marie Ménoret
30.00 €

Cultural Boundaries of Science: Credibility on the Line

Thomas F. F. Gieryn
30.00 €

Machines Who Think

Pamela McCorduck
16.00 €

La Gloire des ingénieurs

Hélène Verin
30.00 €

Practice Theory, Work, and Organization: An Introduction

Davide Nicolini
30.00 €

Management de l'Innovation 2e Edition

Corinne Genet
10.00 €

Strategic Management of Technological Innovation

Melissa A Schilling
40.00 €

The Sage Handbook of Organizational Institutionalism

99.00 €

The Sage Handbook of Process Organization Studies

16.00 €

Histoire de la biologie moléculaire

10.00 €

Epistemic Cultures – How the Sciences Make Knowledge (Paper)

Karin Knorr Knorr
9.00 €

Les Humains, mode d'emploi. Nouveaux regards sur la nature humaine

Jean-francois Dortier
5.00 €

How Economics Shapes Science

Paula Stephan
15.00 €

What Is This Thing Called Science? Third Edition

. Chalmers
30.00 €

How Matter Matters: Objects, Artifacts, and Materiality in Organization Studies

15.00 €

The Fine Line. Making Distinctions in Everyday Life

Eviatar Zerubavel
20.00 €

Les réseaux sociaux

Alain Degenne
3.00 €

Chroniques de la fin d'un monde

Pierre Mac orlan
20.00 €

Strategic Management: Competitiveness & Globalisation: Concepts & Cases

R. Duane Ireland
35.00 €

Mobilizing Knowledge in Healthcare: Challenges for Management and Organization

30.00 €

A Process Theory of Organization

Tor Hernes
40.00 €

Identity in Organizations: Building Theory Through Conversations

Paul Godfrey
60.00 €

Éléments de rythmanalyse

Henri Lefebvre
15.00 €

A Theory of Fields

Doug McAdam
5.00 €


Michel Serres
30.00 €

New Venture Creation: Entrepreneurship for the 21st Century

Rob Adams
40.00 €

National Systems of Innovation: Toward a Theory of Innovation and Interactive Learning

Bengt-Ake Lundvall
45.00 €

The Intellectual and Social Organization of the Sciences

Richard Whitley
1.00 €


Que sais-je?
80.00 €

Materiality, Rules and Regulation: New Trends in Management and Organization Studies

20.00 €

The Uses of Life: A History of Biotechnology

Robert Bud
45.00 €

Process, Sensemaking, and Organizing (Perspectives on Process Organization Studies)

Tor Hernes
7.00 €

[LOGIC OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY] by (Author)Popper, Sir Karl R. on Feb-21-02

Sir Karl R. Popper
40.00 €

Constructing Identity in and around Organizations

+ Nos Rayons


