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Ses évaluations vendeurs

Noté 5 / 5 par 1 acheteur
par mawi le 12-10-2020
Notation automatique suite à l'expiration du délai de réception accordé à l'acheteur.

Ses livres en vente (33)

1.00 €

Entretien à partir d'un dossier. Système éducatif, EPS et Santé. Professeur des écoles. CRPE 2016: Oral, admission - CRPE 2016

Annie Balay
35.46 €

Donner à voir, donner à lire

Mireille Corbier
26.76 €

Gallia, N° 61/2004 : L'écriture dans la société gallo-romaine

Georges Depeyrot
1.20 €

Relations internationales

Serge Sur
12.93 €

Cultural Identity in the Roman Empire

Dr Joanne Berry,Ray Laurence
1.00 €

Droit des obligations : les mécanismes juridiques des relations économiques, 6e édition (ancienne édition)

Ph. Malinvaud
36.91 €

Amphorae in Britain and the Western Empire

J. Plouviez
1.00 €

Droit de l'Union Européenne : Sources-Caractères-Contentieux

Stéphane Leclerc
58.92 €

News And Frontier Consciousness in the Late Roman Empire

Mark W. Graham
4.12 €

The Archaeology Of Roman Britain

R G Collingwood
54.12 €

Understanding Roman Inscriptions

Lawrence Keppie
62.88 €

Beyond Metaphor: The Theory of Tropes in Anthropology

60.64 €

Socialising Complexity

Sheila Kohring
26.38 €

Roman Britain

T.W. Potter,Catherine Johns
10.32 €

Experiencing Rome: Culture, Identity and Power in the Roman Empire

Janet Huskinson
19.81 €

Roman Britain

Martin Millett
46.82 €

Orality, Literacy, and Colonialism in Antiquity

Jonathan A. Draper
86.97 €

Romano-british Tombstones Between the 1st and 3rd Centuries Ad: Epigraphy, Gender and Familial Relations

Geoff Adams,Rebecca Tobler
19.08 €

The Carvetii

Nick Higham,Barri Jones
49.74 €

Literacy and Power, Ancient World

Alan K. Bowman
55.58 €

An Archaeology of Identity

Andrew Gardner
94.27 €

Celtic Curses

Bernard Mees
26.38 €

Art and Society in Fourth-Century Britain: Villa Mosaics in Context

Sarah Scott
31.49 €

Iron Age Britain

Barry Cunliffe
18.35 €

Trac 98: Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference, Leicester 1998

Patricia Barker
44.63 €

Trac 99: Proceedings of Ninth Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference, Durham

30.76 €

Trac 94: Proceedings of the Fouth Annual Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference, Durham 1994

Sally Cottam
17.62 €

Trac 2001: Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conferencewhich Took Place at the University of Glasgow 29-31 March 2001

Martin Carruthers,C. Van Driel-Murray
56.99 €

Trac 2002: Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference, Kent 2002

Gillian Carr,Ellen Swift
54.85 €

Boudicca's Heirs: Women in Early Britain

Dorothy Watts
75.29 €

Women in Roman Britain

Lindsay Allason-Jones
32.76 €

Christians and Pagans in Roman Britain

Dorothy Watts
47.55 €

Roman Officers and English Gentlemen: The Imperial Origins of Roman Archaeology

Richard Hingley

+ Nos Rayons


